Thank you for joining us at The March Party

Jomama Jones

Thank you for coming out to indulge a little with LUMBERYARD to talk with us about art and to listen to those captivating vocals of Jomama Jones.

The LUMBERYARD team is deeply moved by your enthusiasm, and we are all the more determined to honor our friendship by providing you with a rich future of rare opportunities to see new works of performing artists, both emerging and legendary.

Daring and defiant performance requires a passionate, spirited, and open-minded audience to first witness and nurture it, and looking around Joe’s Garage on Saturday evening, we were confident that we had found that crowd.

You can see just how gorgeous it was in our photos from the evening, below. Additional photos are available on our Facebook page.

There may still be snow on the ground, but the heat we built up on Saturday night has kicked us into gear for LUMBERYARD In The City, our upcoming New York City summer festival of five radical artists.

I know you will adore each of these performances, and I eagerly anticipate showing our craft to those of you who have never seen a full LUMBERYARD production, and to our seasoned friends, welcoming you back.


Adrienne Willis
Executive & Artistic Director